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Collapse Issue 30 - 14 Aug 2001Issue 30 - 14 Aug 2001
Collapse NEWS NEWS

Internet free at libraries

Cr Lynne Bockholt is urging residents to take advantage of free internet access at the two Peninsula libraries run by Gosford Council.

The service has been free of charge since July 1, following a council decision to remove access charges.

"This has proved to be a very popular move with more and more people using the free facilities and we want everyone to be aware that this service is available," said Cr Lynne Bockholt.

"Councillors have pushed very hard for free access as there are a great many people who can not afford to install expensive IT equipment in their homes and these people should not be disadvantaged by being locked out of the new information age.

"Council should be about offering services to ratepayers and it is a pleasure to see that this new service is so well used and so popular.

"At the moment Umina Library has two PCs and Woy Woy has one.

"Because of high demand, access is restricted to 30 minutes at a time but councillors are committed to increasing the number of PCs publicly available as quickly as possible.

"The new Woy Woy library extension, which has just been approved by Council, will have an increased number of PCs and other information technology available for use by the general public.

"The older libraries, like Umina, will need to be progressively rewired so they can offer the latest IT services to the public.

"The service is accessed by seniors, students and other young people, and overseas and other visitors keeping in touch with home by email.

"The good thing is that the libraries are open on Saturdays and Sundays so are accessible seven days a week so residents can get information from all around the world at the touch of a button at no cost.

"I urge all residents to make use of this information technology as often as possible," she said.

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