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Collapse Issue 62 - 11 Mar 2003Issue 62 - 11 Mar 2003
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Debra Wales

When asked the question "If elected, what would you do for the Peninsula?", it is essential that candidates have the experience and ability to deliver for their communities.

Your vote is crucial and as a dedicated community representative, my plan is to work hard for the people of the Peats electorate as part of a fully resourced Liberal team that has both energy and experience.

A strong unified voice in Government will ensure your concerns are heard.

In answer to the question, after eight years of hard Labor, what has the Carr Government actually delivered for the residents of the Peats electorate and particularly, those who live on the Woy Woy Peninsula.

We have rampant medium density gun barrel development, traditional residential neighbourhoods being cluttered with retirement style units under SEPP 5, streets jammed with traffic, roads in disrepair, continuing increases in crime, water shortages and a Labor Government plan to dump another 10,000 people onto the Peninsula.

This is the legacy that Labor has left our community and another four years of the Carr Government will mean a continued rapid decline in our quality of life.

I do not want to see this happen to our community.

Both I and a Brogden Liberal Government will:-

protect our communities by abolishing the SEPP 5 legislation that allows medium density retirement style units to be built in our traditional single dwelling residential neighbourhoods.

give more power to the local council to control and limit gun barrel medium density development and where it occurs.

review the unacceptable population projections for the Peninsula being imposed on our community by Labor's "Shaping the Central Coast" planning document.

fight for more funds for urgently needed roads, drainage and community infrastructure.

order an urgent inquiry into the water supply crisis facing Gosford City.

provide more locally led and locally based police so that we can again know who our local police are.

As a long time resident of the Peninsula, I do not want to see our community and our lifestyle placed under threat by runaway development, water shortages and massive population growth.

The Carr Labor Government's "Shaping the Central Coast" planning document spells out Labor's plan for an additional 10,000 people on the Peninsula without any infrastructure plan for this growth.

This is unacceptable and I will fight to ensure that this does not happen in our community.

We live in a very special place that needs to be managed carefully and sustainably, yet still provides opportunities for families, jobs growth and lifestyle choices.

This can only happen through a full and comprehensive consultative approach that has not been afforded this community by the current State Labor Government under its current planning policies.

On March 22, you will have the opportunity to make a difference and stem the development tide that is threatening to overwhelm our community.

It's time for a change.

I look forward to your support in ensuring a better future for us all.

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