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Collapse Issue 62 - 11 Mar 2003Issue 62 - 11 Mar 2003
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Wales criticises population agenda

The Liberal Candidate for Peats, Cr Debra Wales, has criticised the State Labor Government over its population growth agenda and the rapid increase in medium density development.

"Despite repeated claims that it cares for the future of the Central Coast, the State Labor Government has a clear agenda to dump another 10,000 people onto the Peninsula through further housing development in order to accommodate the population overflow from the Sydney Metropolitan area," said Cr Wales.

"The State Labor Government's Shaping the Central Coast Action Plan clearly acknowledges that the Central Coast will have to bear the burden of an additional 100,000 people over the next 20 years.

"This is a policy supported by local State Member, Ms Marie Andrews, who seems to have no problems with an additional 10,000 in our back yards.

"Of real concern to me is that the Local Member, Marie Andrews, and her State Labor Government have no prioritized plan for the provision of infrastructure to cope with this enormous growth when we are already struggling to provide services and infrastructure for the existing population.

"The State Labor Government population plan is even more outrageous when we are currently facing a critical water shortage.

"How are we to cope with thousands of additional homes and people?

Gosford Council was forced by the State Labor Government to put in place major provisions for medium density housing which has forever changed the character of our local suburbs, said Cr Wales.

She said that the State Labor Government's current planning policies for medium density development would further accelerate the decline in the Peninsula's quality of life.

"A Brogden Liberal Government is committed to abolishing these State planning policies which override local development controls," she said.

"SEPP 5 has caused a flood of infill retirement style units into ordinary residential areas which is forever changing the character of our traditional suburbs.

"As a community, we must seize the initiative and ensure that future growth is sustainable and appropriate to the needs of the Peninsula."

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