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Collapse Issue 62 - 11 Mar 2003Issue 62 - 11 Mar 2003
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Marie Andrews

As the sitting Member, I have worked with the community to achieve a number of positive outcomes for the Peats electorate.

I am committed to continuing to work for the overall benefit of all constituents.

I look forward to:

- Providing more health services on the Woy Woy Peninsula to build upon the new dental clinic and upgraded rehabilitation unit at Woy Woy Hospital.

- Continuing the upgrading of both high schools and primary schools within the Peats electorate.

- Backing Bob Carr's plan to employ more teachers to cut class sizes, particularly in the early years of schooling.

- Working with the community and the Department of Education in securing a suitable site for a new high school to cater for the growing population in the Kariong area.

- Improving public transport using a more integrated system between rail and bus services.

- Continuing to negotiate with the bus companies to provide a direct bus service to Gosford Hospital, which is currently undergoing an extensive redevelopment program.

- Continue to work for further improvements to state roads, including a long-term solution to the intersection at Brisbane Water Drive, Pacific Highway and Manns Road, West Gosford. The recent completion of the upgrading of the intersection, at a cost of $2.4 million by the State Government has helped to alleviate the traffic congestion to a large extent as well as vastly improve pedestrian safety in this busy area. This is a good start to solving congestion at the intersection and I will be working to ensure that funding is set aside in future budgets to enable a long term solution.

- The creation of more local jobs to build upon the success of the relocation of Workcover to Gosford, the opening of the RTA office in Woy Woy and the announcement of the Woolworths distribution centre.

- Encourage the relocation of light industries from the Sydney Metropolitan area to the Central Coast.

- Work for the expansion of the Information Technology Park at Mt Penang Parklands, to enable more workers in the computer technology field to work locally.

- Encourage the expansion of tourism on the Central Coast.

- Continuing support for the Police and Community Youth Club in Umina Beach, the Web Youth Service in the Peninsula Community Centre and the Central Coast Youth Club in Niagara Park.

- The inclusion of sporting facilities within Mt Penang Parklands.

- Working in cooperation with the local police to build upon the encouraging results of the recent Bureau of Crime Statistics that show significant reductions across a number of offences.

- Monitor the progress of the Families First Program - an initiative of the Carr Government to fund early intervention programs.

I am looking forward to working together with the community to further improve the lifestyles of residents in the Peats electorate.

As a member of the Carr Government, a lot has been achieved, but there is still more to do, and we're getting on with the job.

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