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Collapse Issue 62 - 11 Mar 2003Issue 62 - 11 Mar 2003
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Mark Ellis

I will first and foremost be fully accessible and available at all times to discuss the issues affecting the electorate, and make representations regarding such matters.

As one of the main aims of Save Our Suburbs (SoS) is to preserve the way of life many of us have grown up with and other people have moved here for.

I shall undertake to protect our neighbourhoods from the loss of amenity and character, and to reduce congestion, crime, pollution and all the other problems that are brought about by over development with out the supporting infrastructure.

To address this issue, I will be instrumental in removing SEPP 5, SEPP 53 and the Gosford Residential Strategy.

These policies have forced suffering on many residents confronted by inappropriate development.

A policy is seen to have failed when it is blatantly exploited across the state and local government authorities seeks exemptions from the policy as Gosford Council has done with SEPP5.

I will demand a planned slow down in growth on the Peninsula, as the current population can not sustain the current infrastructure, though Planning NSW wants to squeeze more people in.

I will push for the serious backlog of infrastructure to addressed.

- Transport - Institute the fast rail, more train carriages and a amended timetable, establishment of a dedicated freight rail passage between the north and south coast.

- Advocate, increased services in certain areas that currently have very infrequent bus service such as Patonga. Also high frequency trips which are currently not served, eg a route to Gosford Hospital from the Peninsula

- Work with the government and community to Improve the traffic black spots on the Woy Woy Peninsula, specifically the Bourke Rd-Springwood St intersection at Ettalong

- This area has limited employment opportunities. Therefore the roads have become more and more crowded as the people move off the Peninsula to find work thus the roadways become even more clogged.

- Push for implementation of a light rail on several of the main streets of the Peninsula to move commuters to and from trains, ferry passengers and local residents.

- Employment - Promote sustainable employment within the Peats electorate.

- Open spaces - Protect the existing remnant vegetation across the Peninsula. SoS will work to ensure that existing green space is protected and no "land grabs" be made possible.

- Police - More people mean more crime. I will push for more police in the 24hr Woy Woy police station. So there are sufficient officers to be able to act on crimes throughout the Peninsula at all time of the day and night.

- Health services - Advocate an emergency service at Woy Woy Hospital. As Gosford Hospital will be at breaking point soon after the redevelopement, due to the planned population increase. The population demographics of the Peninsula require an emergency service at Woy Woy Hospital.

- Drainage & Paths - Move forward on addressing the backlog of drainage and footpaths and assist in planning for the requirements of any planned growth that is assessed in a population carrying capacity study.

If more people are to be crammed onto the Peninsula then the services need to be provided.

I urge you to Save your Suburb and vote 1 SoS on March 22.

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