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Collapse Issue 62 - 11 Mar 2003Issue 62 - 11 Mar 2003
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Election opinions given

With the State election on March 22, reporter Alison Branley approached Peninsula shoppers at random to seek their opinions on what local issues candidates should be addressing.

Margo, Wagstaffe

"I think transport, at Wagstaffe we really don't have transport services, buses particularly.

"During the middle of the day there's buses for school hours but if people come into Woy Woy to shop, there's not much in the middle of the day for them so I'd like to see a bit more local transport."

"I think youth as well, there's always a problem with youth, they need to have some sort of structure there that they can go to, something that's there to get them off the street."

Valmae Eddison, Umina

"What I'd like to see is good footpaths.

We've never had a decent footpath and I wouldn't mind one around Winifred Ave.

That's the only thing I've ever wanted and that's a decent footpath."

Michelle, Empire Bay

"We need entertainment for the kids.

"We need to fix up the flooded areas, especially with curbing and guttering.

"Roads need fixing up instead of just going over potholes as when you get the rain through winter they're all out again.

"Doctors in the area as well, you just can't get hold of one."

Doris, Ettalong

"I don't think there's enough transport on a Sunday, when you want to go out the buses only run about every two hours.

"The train service is good."

Frank Parsons, St Huberts Island.

"With the influx of new residents up here, they should be dealing with population in regard to the facilities we have, particularly water storage and things like that.

"See it's growing faster than we're keeping up with it and we have been in dire straits with that dam up here for many years.

"We're still pouring other people up here which means were getting deeper into deep water. We haven't got the supply to accommodate these people."

"We've also got to keep up with welfare.

"We seem to be at this stage, a dumping ground.

"There's just not enough employment to accommodate the people that are coming up and so they're non-productive."

John Hannan, Umina

"They're talking a lot about crime at the moment, probably need something for the kids to do."

Bryan, Empire Bay

"I think they should focus more on crime, drugs, things like that.

"Transport's a big problem, particularly rail."

Steve, Bensville

"Crime and safety obviously, also the condition of the local roads.

"Commuters as well, the F3 Freeway is always clogged."

Amanda, Umina

"Roads down the other end of Umina are shocking, the potholes down Mount Ettalong road are really bad. More for kids at night."

Sandra, Blackwall

"Crime is an issue and the police, the number of police down here at different times.

"Roads are also a problem."

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