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Collapse Issue 60 - 11 Feb 2003Issue 60 - 11 Feb 2003
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Bill of quantities for leisure centre

Rider-Hunt Sydney Pty Ltd has been engaged by Gosford Council to provide a bill of quantities for the Peninsula Regional Leisure Centre construction, taking payments to the firm to over $100,000 and more than three times its original quote.

The bill of quantities would be used to help define the project for the tender process.

The firm was originally engaged to provide council with quantity surveying services for the construction of the project.

Their services were quoted in November 2000 at $35,000 for the project, which was valued at that time at around $9 million.

Since that time the project had increased in scope and value to the extent that the fee was now $70,000, according to a council staff report.

The council was asked to approve the payment of a further $45,000 for the firm to prepare a bill of quantities for the project.

The council was told that a bill of quantities would assist in the definition and interpretation of the tender documents, reducing the incidence of subsequent costly variations.

It would accurately reflect the scope of works and will reduce the range in the value of the tenders received.

The staff report claimed the development of the Parklea Leisure Centre for Blacktown Council, was delayed for four weeks while tenderers organised their own bill of quantities for the project.

The staff report stated that, with the preparation of the bill of quantities, the total fees payable to Rider-Hunt for the project would exceed $100,000.

"Whilst these are two distinct services being provided, it is considered prudent to seek council approval for appointment of Rider-Hunt to undertake the work.

"This action is consistent with council's tendering Policy A3.07.

"As Rider-Hunt have been providing council with cost details of the project for two years to date, they are aware of the development and detail of the project.

"To engage a different firm to provide this service would delay the project", the council was told.

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