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Collapse Issue 60 - 11 Feb 2003Issue 60 - 11 Feb 2003
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Chris Holstein

Following strong encouragement from residents throughout the Peats electorate, I have decided to stand as an independent candidate for Peats in the upcoming state election.

I have lived in the Peats electorate for over 30 years.

I have worked in the area and am very passionate about the unique needs of the region. I feel there are many essential issues that require attention.

Having an extended family including young children, adolescents, a wife in small business, commuter friends and pensioner parents, I am very aware of the many different needs of people within our electorate.

My work on Gosford Council has involved addressing and solving Peats' issues at a local government level.

Numerous residents have indicated to me that a change is needed at the state level.

An independent member for Peats provides many advantages for residents.

An independent is not tied by party affiliations or political pressure.

I will have the opportunity to bring to the state level the same enthusiasm and passion that I displayed during my four years as mayor of Gosford.

Being in the state arena will give me greater ability to consult with all levels of government.

As an independent member there will be no opposition party, I can work with both sides with a bipartisan approach.

Over the next several weeks, I will be visiting residents, businesses and community groups in the Peats electorate and listening to what their mains concerns are.

Its my intention to remain visible in the community during my term in government.

I do not want to become an absent representative, so I will continue to attend community meetings and the like, to keep informed of the communities needs.

I look forward to the challenge ahead and guarantee that I will pursue the issues with the same vigor that I have displayed in local government for the last 12 years.

I will be working for the people of Peats, not a party.

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