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Collapse Issue 60 - 11 Feb 2003Issue 60 - 11 Feb 2003
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Don't make us a target

I am deeply opposed to Australia's involvement in this war.

The Government has the right to defend the country, not the right to turn us into a target.

John Howard's enthusiastic support for George Bush's personal vendetta to finish what his "daddy" could not, is a disgrace.

How can a democratic Government put us at war, without a debate on the issue.

Innocent Australians' blood will be on this Government's hands, when we suffer retaliatory attacks, as I believe we will.

You will not stop single person terrorist attacks by bombing Iraq, you will markedly increase the likelihood of them.

How will this Government stop a suicide bomber in Sydney streets.

How will it stop the poisoning of our water supply.

How will it stop a bushfire being lit.

There are a thousand ways Islamic extremists can reap revenge.

Blowing up countries is not the way to win the "war" on terror.

It is using old style militaristic tactics, in an era when one individual can reap more damage, than ever before in man's history.

John Howard does not have the right to commit Australia to this war, without a specific mandate from the electors.

Government is there to serve the people, not to dictate to them.

John Howard will happily use the rule of law when it suits his political purposes, but will equally turn a blind eye when it does not.

He who lives by the sword, will die by the sword.

John Howard will take this decision to his grave.

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