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Collapse Issue 60 - 11 Feb 2003Issue 60 - 11 Feb 2003
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Designer calls for new logo

A local graphic designer has called for a new logo to be designed for the Peninsula.

He was responding to the suggestion of community activist Ms Heather McKenzie (Peninsula News, January 28) that a logo prepared for Woy Woy five years ago should be used more widely.

Mr Barry Parker of ??? said: "The Peninsula is undergoing a revolution with new developments at Ettalong and the new ferry," he said.

"We need something that is going to reflect that."

Mr Parker said that a new logo should be commissioned with key people in the community investigating what is unique to the Peninsula, using a cross section of the community.

He said that using this research to ascertain values of the community, a more current logo could be produced to encompass the Peninsula area.

Mr Parker said a logo designed five years ago as part of a competition did not fully represent the Peninsula.

"It's generic," he said.

"It's already dated and does not fully represent the values and attitudes that are distinctly Peninsula," he said.

A logo which came as a result of a competition was not the best way of producing a logo, he said.

"It would be a mistake to use the current logo.

"It doesn't do the area justice," he said.

Ms McKenzie defended the logo selected from 55 entries in the competition run by the Woy Woy Village Renewal Committee five years ago.

"It was done five years ago on a community basis."

Ms McKenzie said that, while Mr. Parker was entitled to his view, she would like to see what sort of response would be given to his ideas.

"If we could get a few more people to comment and spark a bit of debate that would be good," she said.

Ms McKenzie said that the logo was effective in making people aware of the beauty around the area.

"I like the logo.

"If I had the money, I would have it on 2000 T-shirts by now," she said.

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