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Collapse Issue 60 - 11 Feb 2003Issue 60 - 11 Feb 2003
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Crowds attend Australia Day

Australia Day festivities for the Peninsula were held on Sunday, January 26, with large crowds packing the Woy Woy waterfront in the sweltering heat.

The day started with a re-enactment of Captain Arthur Phillip's landing at Woy Woy in March 1788, which followed his initial landing in Sydney.

Back then, Arthur Phillip visited Pearl Beach and St Huberts Island before gracing Woy Woy's shores.

On Sunday, 215 years later, members of NSW Corps of Marines dressed in period costume re-enacted the landing using the TS Hawkesbury.

They marched along the waterfront and raised the flag before giving a six-gun salute.

Anna Lawley sang the national anthem and "My Island Home".

Speeches were made Gosford mayor Cr Robert Bell, Cr Lynne Bockholt, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic Dr Anna Turenicava (representing Gosford's sister city, Nitra), Member for Peats Ms Marie Andrews, Australia Day ambassador Ms Roxanne Minchin and Gosford City 2003 Citizen of the Year, Mr Ron Jollow.

A citizenship ceremony was also held for first time on the Peninsula. Nine locals, coming from countries including Sri Lanka, The Netherlands, New Zealand, England, Philippines and Indonesia were involved in the ceremony.

Those whose birthday was on January 26 were invited on stage to be treated to a cake and birthday song.

Entertainment on the day was provided by Lovetts dance academy and the Peninsula Dance group academy, and the "Us Not Them" and the "Wheeze and Suck" bands.

After lunch, there was an RAAF FA-18 fly over.

The day concluded with the daily feeding of the pelicans.

Around the Woy Woy area, crowds were also treated to stalls with bird displays, Tai Kwan Do, Tai Chi, pottery, jewellery, Mexican hand craft, massages and face painting.

"Tempo terrific" a 20 piece band, performed as did members of the Troubadour Folk Club.

Mr Cec Bucello, who was involved in organising the festivities, said that he was happy with the way the day turned out, despite the heat.

"Even though it was as hot, I was pleased with the crowds and people were pleased with the day.

"People came and went all day. There was good feedback," he said.

Cr Lynne Bockholt, who was also involved in the organisation of the day, was also pleased with the turnout for festivities.

"It was a real thrill to see that ship sail up the creek into Woy Woy," she said.

"The citizenship ceremony was also well done. People thoroughly enjoyed it."

"The organisers should be thanked it was a terrific day - Heather McKenzie, Cec Bucello, Bob Williams, Peter Leney and Fiona Forbes.

"They did a good job and should be thanked," she said.

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