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Collapse Issue 60 - 11 Feb 2003Issue 60 - 11 Feb 2003
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
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Pool architects are formally appointed

The firm Michael Davies Associates has formally been appointed project architect for the Woy Woy Regional Aquatic Centre, after a council decision not to conduct a tender process.

The firm has been the project architect since August 2000.

A report to Gosford Council stated that a change in scope of the project meant that fees to the firm would now exceed $100,000 and required tendering or a formal appointment.

A staff report to the council stated: "In light of the anticipated delays to the project by conducting a tender process and the percentage completed, it is recommended council acknowledge the extenuating circumstances and that a satisfactory result would not be achieved by inviting tenders.

"Council can demonstrate that it went through a competitive process in the first instance and has been well informed of progress."

The council was told that, in July 2000, four architectural firms responded to the design brief and provided detailed fee proposals.

In assessing the four submissions, the Building Committee requested that a presentation be made by two of the firms.

Council appointed Michael Davies Associates following the presentation and accepted the fee proposal of $99,925.

Being under $100,000, engagement by quotation was consistent with council's purchasing policy.

The council was told that each time the project scope changed, contract documentation with Michael Davies Associates was amended to reflect the changing circumstances.

However, the professional fees payable to Michael Davies Associates now exceeded the level at which council's policy and the Local Government Act require tendering, unless extenuating circumstances were present.

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