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Collapse Issue 60 - 11 Feb 2003Issue 60 - 11 Feb 2003
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Andrews claims secret plans for netball courts

Gosford Council had secret plans to use the Lemon Grove netball courts for ferry parking, the Member for Peats, Ms Marie Andrews, claimed last week.

However, Ms Andrews' comments have been described as "blatant scare-mongering" by Cr Chris Holstein, who will stand against her in the March election.

In a press release last week, Ms Andrews said that a suggestion by the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce president, Mr Matthew Wales, revealed that the Lemon Grove netball courts would be turned into a car park for ferry passengers.

"There is no doubt that more carpark spaces are needed," Ms Andrews said.

"But Gosford Council has a responsibility to be open and accountable to its ratepayers and the truth is that ratepayers have been misled.

"Council tried to acquire homes in this vicinity late last year under the premise of using the land for 'open space'.

"We now see that this proposal was really for a car park area."

Cr Holstein, who has announced that he will stand as an independent candidate for Peats, said that council did not plan to use the netball courts for parking.

"Council has resolved and re-affirmed that the Lemon Grove reserve will not be used for parking.

"This is just blatant scare-mongering on Marie Andrews' part," Cr Holstein said.

Ms Andrews said she had started a petition calling on Gosford Council to leave sporting facilities and people's homes alone and find other suitable areas for parking.

"It's simply not good enough," she said.

"The Carr Government has committed $4.3 million to the building of the ferry wharf provided that all necessary conditions are met.

"Council should have thought of the need for suitable parking long before now.

"Ratepayers should have been told the truth right from the start.

"Who knows what other plans council may have?" Ms Andrews said.

Ms Andrews said that the council and developers had only provided 36 car spaces for commuters, but the proposed ferry would hold 450 passengers.

"This means that the excess cars would spill over on to local streets, limiting the number of car spaces available to local residents and workers.

"It would be irresponsible for the Council and developers to leave our community without an important sporting facility like the Lemon Grove netball courts.

"Our local kids deserve good sporting facilities and I'll do everything I can to make sure they have them," said Ms Andrews.

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