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Collapse Issue 80 - 18 Nov 2003Issue 80 - 18 Nov 2003
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Bank survey forms wanted

Members of the public who have community bank survey forms in Ettalong Beach are being asked to return their completed forms as soon as possible.

More survey results are required for the study to be representative, according to steering committee chairman Mr David Steele.

He said that, although committee members had not seen individual survey forms, the independent consultant employed to undertake the survey had received a strong response from the community.

"It really is so important that we hear from anyone who has an interest in seeing a community bank in Ettalong Beach and, perhaps just as importantly, anyone who is interested in banking with a locally-owned bank branch," Mr Steele said.

"The survey form doesn't take very long to complete."

The feasibility study will officially end on November 21.

The data collected by the consultant will be collated and overall figures will be presented to the committee and Bendigo Bank.

It is from these figures that the committee will draw up a business plan and determine the viability of going ahead with their campaign to open a community bank branch.

Mr Steele said a strong pledge campaign indicated that the people of Ettalong Beach had the community spirit to make a community bank branch to work.

"The reality is that we also need to make sure that this venture is commercially viable," Mr Steele said.

"There is little point in forming a company and raising the share capital if no-one is prepared to bank with that branch once it is opened.

"Having said that, I am confident that is definitely not the case in Ettalong Beach and a strong feasibility study result would determine that," Mr Steele said.

Survey forms are available from the Ettalong Beach Memorial Club and the Ettalong Beach Post Office.

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