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Collapse Issue 80 - 18 Nov 2003Issue 80 - 18 Nov 2003
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Sack pool bureaucrats and remember the election

I note your extraordinary article regarding the Woy Woy swimming pool.

It appears that the Council destroyed a problematic but functional group of pools in which hundreds of children had learnt to swim, in which the community has produced many championship winners, and which was used successfully by injured and disabled persons in rehabilitation programs.

These poor persons if their programs are to continue have to travel at considerable expense to Gosford where the pool is older and leaking!

This community asset has been destroyed and the ground lies fallow and now it appears that funding is not fully available, that the planning was incomplete despite the recreational manager spending a million dollars.

The Council is fiddling around stealing money from this project and that project, selling community assets, and raising a loan of $6.5miilion to be repaid by a rate levy - and its still not funded.

And it seems despite all this jiggery pokery, it will not be functional until 2005.

What do you need to do to demonstrate absolute incompetence? Remember the Skillion?

We should sack those bureaucrats involved and remember who has placed us in this sorry state at the next Council elections.

It is difficult to believe but this Council arranged a surf guard patrol during mid-winter, which is a new reason for their workers to be sitting on their bums doing nothing at ratepayers' expense.

Perhaps it was a sop to the residents of Woy Woy in lieu of their heated pool!

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