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Collapse Issue 80 - 18 Nov 2003Issue 80 - 18 Nov 2003
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Council hands land to National Park

Gosford mayor Cr Robert Bell officially handed over Coastal Open Space System (COSS) land to the National Parks and Wildlife Service at Maitland Bay Centre, Bouddi National Park on Thursday, November 6.

The land includes the MacMasters Ridge area between MacMasters Beach and Bensville and the lands to the east of Daleys Point and to the north of Hardys Bay.

Other smaller blocks of COSS land adjoining Bouddi National Park have also been added.

The Coastal Open Space System is part of Council's response to environmental protection in Gosford City, according to Cr Bell.

The COSS was adopted by Gosford Council in 1984, he said.

"It was then, and continues to be, an innovative and forward thinking approach to environmental management," Cr Bell said.

"The handover is unique.

"This historic occasion represents a strong commitment to conservation by the Council.

"Achieving over 300 hectares of environmentally sensitive land that can be added to Bouddi National Park has taken 12 years," Cr Bell said.

National Parks and Wildlife Service regional director MrTom Bagnat said: "No other council in Australia has given environmentally sensitive lands to a government agency like National Park."

Cr Bell has been chairman of the COSS Committee since its inception 20 years ago.

Earlier this year, COSS was a finalist in the United Nations Association of Australia 2003 World Environment Day Award.

There was approximately 3000 hectares of land identified for inclusion in the COSS.

In 1984, much of this land was in private ownership.

To date, about 2500 hectares has been brought into public ownership.

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