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Collapse Issue 80 - 18 Nov 2003Issue 80 - 18 Nov 2003
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New owners for newsagency

Woy Woy Newsagency on The Boulevarde has new owners.

They are married couple, Wayne and Martina Hutchinson, and Wayne's brother, Russel Hutchinson.

The Hutchinsons moved from Burren Junction in north-west NSW, where they continue to have an interest in a family-owned sheep property, and now live in Phegan's Bay.

Martina said that the move has been great for all concerned, including their children aged three, eight and 10.

"The Peninsula isn't like Sydney or Brisbane.

"It's a city of sorts. But it's not fast-paced or hectic.

"The people have been very friendly. And our customers have been very understanding and patient while we've adjusted to the new business.

"But we're adjusting well, having come from the dirt and dust," she said.

Martina said that it is pleasing for her family to now be able to undertake recreational activities without having to travel great distances.

"It's great for our children.

"They now have more recreational opportunities open to them, like visiting the beach and sport," she said.

Martina said that the two primary motives for making the move were the hope of better economic prospects, with north-west NSW experiencing a two-year drought, and better high school access for their children.

She said that the nearest high school to their Burren Junction property was an hour's bus trip away and that the prospect of sending the children great distances away to boarding schools was not attractive.

Martina said that the previous owner of Woy Woy Newsagency, Graham Kelly, did a terrific job with the business and that they were aiming to maintain his standards.

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