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Collapse Issue 77 - 07 Oct 2003Issue 77 - 07 Oct 2003
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Council seeks fund for Rogers Park

Gosford Council will appeal to the State and Federal Governments for funds to fix up Rogers Park in Woy Woy.

At its meeting on Tuesday, October 1, Council resolved to write to the State and Federal Governments for funding support from their respective budgets.

Rogers Park was ranked the first priority for rehabilitation in a recent condition assessment done by Gosford Council for sportsgrounds on former landfill sites.

Council resolved in July this year to have a report brought back to council addressing rehabilitation of Rogers Park.

The council agenda noted that the condition of Rogers Park is such that use by organised sport is minimal and restricted to certain areas.

"There is demand for additional playing surfaces on the Peninsula, especially Rogers Park which has reasonable lighting," the report stated.

"The field could also be used to reduce the training load on Woy Woy oval which has been overused this winter season and requires significant rehabilitation."

Council estimated that rehabilitating the ground would cost a minimum of $240 000.

The council agenda claimed that, based on the current landfill rehabilitation levy, there would not be funds available until at least 2008.

The report by council concluded that there was no existing funding source and that the rehabilitation be included in a list of capital works that would not proceed because they were not funded.

During the council meeting, Cr Lynne Bockholt moved, and Cr Chris Holstein seconded, that:

"The rehabilitation of Rogers Park, Fields 2 and 3, be allocated funding in the 2004/5 Capital Works Program.

"A further report be brought back to Council within one month regarding the possibility of the Landfill Rehabilitation Levy being increased for the upgrade of sportsground facilities.

"As a matter of urgency Council write to Local State and Federal Members of Parliament requesting financial assistance for the upgrading of sporting facilities."

The motion was passed.

At the meeting, Cr Bockholt said that she was shocked about the news concerning Rogers Park.

"We should be able to guarantee to all those kids that use the oval that the oval will be rehabilitated," she said.

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