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Collapse Issue 64 - 08 Apr 2003Issue 64 - 08 Apr 2003
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National park addition announced

A 320-hectare addition is to be made to Bouddi National Park, providing a link between currently fragmented sections of the park.

It is part of a Carr Government election promise to add 820 hectares of parklands to the Central Coast's network of national parks and reserves.

The extra national park area includes some tidal zones and is scattered throughout the Bouddi area.

A map will be made available when the gazettal process is completed in a few months.

Mr Carr also announced the Government would invest an extra $400,000 over the next four years to manage national parks in the Central Coast region.

"This is great news for families on the Central Coast," Mr Carr said.

"It means locals will have one new national park and two new nature reserves to enjoy bushwalking, fishing and bird watching - right on their doorsteps.

"These parks will protect a range of important wetlands, coastal eucalypt and endangered woodland communities.

"National parks and reserves figure strongly in the success of local tourism and related businesses.

"They draw in hundreds of thousands of visitors from Sydney and other parts of the State every year."

The new reserved land would have no impact on the region's timber industry with the land coming from existing Crown Reserves and land owned by Gosford Council.

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