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Collapse Issue 64 - 08 Apr 2003Issue 64 - 08 Apr 2003
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Thanks for the nomination

My husband and I would like to thank those persons that nominated us for a citizens award which was presented to each of us at Gosford Council Chambers on March 17.

We were, and still are, most grateful for the direct and timely support we received from Cr Lyn Bockholt, our State Member tor Peats, Ms Marie Andrews, and the media coverage in dealing with matters relating to the IOOF Homes Centre.

Looking for pleasure? The future? Satisfaction?

Try the PCYC at the far end of Osbome Ave, Umina.

Talk and listen to the aspirations of the gym supervisor.

Listening to him made me feel a very rusty old wheel was finally turning.

Things are really happening.

We had a wonderful experience watching our great granddaughter aged two and a half enjoying the company, supervision and coaching in gymnastics.

Try it. It may help you and the PCYC certainly need your support. Such dedication by them and you will surely bring about change.

To top off the week was an invitation to a fund raiser for The Web, another youth program that has had the dedication of a leader who now sees this group move on to bigger and better things.

The entertainment was absolutely tops.

The staff of Woy Woy Leagues Club who provided the venue were ever helpful.

The Gaiety Girls and Boys' services, like many of the other upper age groups, was free to the organisers.

It is hoped that the young people who benefit from the money raised are aware the generation gap just doesn't exists for these persons.

I also won a prize.

Lots of free videos that certainly helped mv image with grandchildren.

The Web is situated within the community centre on McMasters Rd, Woy Woy.

Perhaps a challenge could be issued to a younger generation to put on a show to benefit both clubs at no cost except energy to support both clubs.

It would be great to see a combination of both age groups sharing skills, some of which may be lost forever if not passed on.

It really is good news week for me.

I viewed a video tape in its development stage to be made public in a few months.

It is very well researched and put together on the subject of drug and alcohol education for young people, sponsored by the Peninsula Community Drug Action Team.

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