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Collapse Issue 138 - 28 Mar 2006Issue 138 - 28 Mar 2006
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
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Everyday poison from exhausts

Humans are funny creatures.

Recently Sydneysiders have been worried about poisonous air in one of the city tunnels.

They will not believe the air they breathe every day is filled with poison from vehicle exhausts.

This kills more people around the world each year than road accidents.

You do not believe me?

London buses recently have all been fitted with particulate traps.

I have been writing books and articles for 70 years.

I have never lied in those.

Very rarely I have made mistakes which later with new information; I corrected.

My sources are scientific journals, New Scientist., ECOS the journal of the CSIRO, Landscope of CALM in Western Australia.

Also conservation magazines, since if they lie they can be sued for defamation.

By the way, there is some comfort in my story about particulate pollution.

The girl next door some years ago was worried about genetic weakness when her mother died of cancer in her 50s.

I asked her where her mother lived.

In a big city was her reply.

Don't worry I told her.

Her illness probably came from environmental pollution.

She was so relieved she kisses me every time we meet, one of the rewards of writing about facts; unpleasant for most of the world; which seems unworried by environmental catastrophes facing us.

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