Stroms' philanthropic action is a model worth following
It is probably not known that Beryl and Allen Strom gifted their property to the National Parks and Wildlife Service.
This action was decided years in advance of their passing.
Personal gain and benefits were not issues of interest to the area's well-known environmental leaders, underplaying their local importance.
It is a pity other landholders have not followed this philanthropic action as environmental decline continues.
Appreciation for the natural environment and its life-giving values are ignored, in the pursuit of more development.
Development applications are submitted complete with spurious information, seldom questioned by the assessors.
In the past, this was the time for the Stroms to enter the fray, with their expert advice and comprehensive knowledge of the local government area and the region.
Many challenges from development proponents were made.
Few, if any, were successful.
This exceptional example of benevolence and philanthropy should be recognised again in this time of greed and selfishness.
I, like many others, learnt more about this local government area from the Stroms than any other source.
Their example highlights the value of local input from generous residents.
It is a model worth following.
Actions speak louder than words.
Is there a better case study?
Letter, 6 Dec 2023
Norm Harris, Umina