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Collapse Issue 584:<br />11 Dec 2023<br />_____________Issue 584:
11 Dec 2023
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Canteen manager retires after 23 years

The canteen manager at Umina Beach Public School is retiring from The Big Bite after 23 years.

Ms Debora Elliott said: "It has been a very difficult decision to make."

Ms Elliott said her involvement with the school started in 1999 when her daughter started kindergarten.

She volunteered in classrooms and the canteen and became involved with P/C fundraising.

"I was offered a paid position in 2005 as canteen manager to help a struggling canteen.

"This was when my son Wyatt started kindergarten.

"You may know him as Mr Elliott at school now.

"A significant moment at the Big Bite was in my second year.

"The then principal Mr Blair had the canteen gutted and refurbished, using profits from the canteen."

Ms Elliott said she had met generations of families through her work.

"I often see ex-students when out and am always asked: Do you still make the muffins? They were the best.

"In 2016, the Government introduced the Healthy Canteen Strategy to ensure food sold to children was compliant.

"I have successfully achieved this every year, along with following the Healthy Kids Association required criteria.

"I have received three NSW Government Awards acknowledging my commitment along with a Canteen Managers Award from Healthy Kids Association.

"My role to look after the children's food needs has been my absolute focus.

"I have been adamant that all families should enjoy the canteen, thus the ongoing smaller items made daily 20 and 50 cent ice blocks and muffins since starting.

"These items are enjoyed at the Big Bite, the place where the kids run to everyday at lunch (even though they are told to walk).

"I cannot put into words how hard it will be to not arrive at school by 7am and bake trays of muffins and prepare for a busy day.

"I know how exciting it is to get a lunch order.

"It is seen in the children's faces.

"The daily chats with kids have been a highlight.

"I wish all the children a happy and healthy life and remember to always say hi if you see me out and about."

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