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Collapse Issue 584:<br />11 Dec 2023<br />_____________Issue 584:
11 Dec 2023
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
Collapse  ARTS ARTS



Second house to be dual occupancy before subdivision

An application has been lodged to build a second house on a 1000 square metre site at 83 Hobart Ave, Umina.

The house would be built under dual occupancy rules, before the site is later subdivided.

The application states: "The unique triangular shaped allotment has public road frontage to Hobart Ave, Fitzroy St and an unnamed laneway.

"The proposal is for the erection of a dual occupancy dwelling to be erected fronting Fitzroy St.

"The proposal includes the removal of seven trees and the construction of a two-storey dwelling that would include four bedrooms, living areas, kitchen, parking accommodation, open spaces and landscaping to provide a suitable detached dual occupancy development.

"The garage would be accessed from Fitzroy Street and the dwelling would encompass a traditional street address to the public domain."

The 1017 square metre site would be subdivided into two lots, of 549.8 square metres and 467 square metres, after an occupation certificate for the new house was issued.

The application, prepared by Clarke Dowdle and Associates, claims compliance with development controls except for the rear setback which is proposed to be 1.79 metres, where 4.5 metres is required.

It argues this "entails negligible impacts to the amenity of the adjoining properties".

Besides window positioning, it states: "Given the nature of the lot shape and that the new dwelling faces Fitzroy St, it could be argued the rear setback should be regarded as a side setback, given the adjoining lot runs east-west and, if so, then would only require 0.9 metres."

Although the application states that seven trees would be removed from the site the arborist report prepared by Abacus Tree Services lists 10 trees "earmarked for removal"

The landscape plan shows eight trees to be removed.

The only new trees proposed are the two street trees.

The application concludes: "Given the consistency of the proposal to that of the established medium density pattern of development in the area and the absence of adverse environmental, social or economic impacts, the application is worthy of favourable consideration. "

The application is currently on exhibition for written submissions until January 15.

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