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Rectify water quality problems

If one lives at Woy Woy Bay, it is particularly interesting to read (Peninsula News #69, June 17) that the water quality there is one of the poorest in the Gosford area.

Oil slicks are to be seen sometimes, no doubt due to the increasing number of motorboats using the Bay.

The wash from these vessels is also largely responsible for the undermining of the banks of the Bay.

This also adds to the problems caused by the developed foreshores, which are now almost completely covered in concrete.

The steep hills behind are being denuded of trees and other natural vegetation.

This results in weeds, pesticides, fertilizer and rubbish being washed straight into the Bay when there are heavy rains.

There is little natural vegetation left to filter this water and it is unable to soak into the soil as it did formerly.

Let us hope that we can rectify the problems as soon as possible, otherwise our children will miss out on this wonderful area and the rich bio-diversity which we have been enjoying.

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