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Look out for koalas

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is conducting a survey of koala numbers within Brisbane Water National Park and is asking for help from local residents.

The survey, which aims to find koalas in the Kariong, Umina, Umina Heights, Pearl Beach and Patonga areas, will help the NPWS assess the impact of the recent fires on local koala populations.

NPWS regional manager Mr Tom Bagnat said the survey would replicate studies conducted in 1995 and 1996.

"The public can assist, by contacting us and advising where koalas have been seen or heard within the last six months," Mr Bagnat said.

"We are particularly interested in information from residents who adjoin Brisbane Water National Park, as koalas are commonly reported within trees growing in peoples backyards and the adjoining Park.

"Bushwalkers can also help by keeping a lookout for koalas, as they are often seen around the Warrah Trig area."

Sightings can be made to the NPWS biodiversity officer at the Gosford Office by telephoning 4320 4239.

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