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Pleased to read tribute

How pleasing it was to read the tribute to the late, Cath Gissane, RIP.

I am sure she was a truly caring person and one who loved and respected nature.

Gardening is my hobby and I had six trees planted in our garden this spring.

I am so pleased to see the family name, Gissane, in Australia.

Gissane is a name in our family on my mother's side.

My grannie's maiden name was Gissane.

They were originally from County Limerick, Ireland.

It is not a common name and in County Kerry there are Kissanes.

But my Grannie always said it was never spelled with a "K" is Gissane.

My grandmother's sister was Mary Catherine Gissane and there were many brothers and sisters.

I was also told as a young schoolgirl that there were members of the family who sailed to Australia generations ago.

I only wish my mom and grandmother were here today to read the tribute to Cath Gissane in the Peninsula News as I did.

I came across the name of a Timothy Gissane on the web which stated he left Ireland for Australia in the mid-19th century, married, settled down and not much more data was available.

I would love to hear from a member of the Australian branch of the Gissanes.

I would also love to know more about Cath Gissane.

My Grannie's sister, Mary Catherine Gissane, was a midwife in Ireland.

The Gissanes of Limerick were also saddlers, made saddles and leather goods, etc.

They were also marble masons who worked on St. Mary's Cathedral in Limerick City and St Colman's Cathedral in County Cork.

When time permits I would love to hear from Australia.

I am in the US and I know there is about a 14-hour time difference.

At present, we are in the middle of torrid weather - 95 degrees.

So hello to all of you "down under" and a special hello to the family of the late Cath Gissane, RIP.

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