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Collapse Issue 67 - 20 May 2003Issue 67 - 20 May 2003
Collapse  NEWS NEWS

Five cars where once there was one

One of my main beefs as a resident of Woy Woy is, among other things, the state of the roads.

(I could go on about local education but that would take too long.)

After returning in August 2002 to our family home with my family after spending 18 months living in Port Macquarie and only just coming back from a short break with them on the Gold Coast, I find it a disgrace the state our road system is in.

With only a small percentage having curb and gutters let alone any adequate drainage, what is the council using our rate money for?

Putting up signs about being a sister city to some city in Japan? Who cares?

I'm sure if any delegates ever visit from there, they don't get a guided tour around the Peninsula during peak hour or, after a recent downpour, shown the state of Dunban Rd.

Does the council think it can keep approving villa developments where a residential block that originally housed maybe a one-car family, now may have up to four or five vehicles in use?

Do they think that this can keep going on with a road system that hasn't changed for over 25 years, except for the birth of a few roundabouts?

We had some friends that we met in Port Macquarie who, due to work commitments, needed to relocate closer to Sydney.

When they visited the Central Coast looking for a suitable suburb that they could relocate to, they were disgusted with the appearance and state of the area.

They could not understand why people were apparently paying over-inflated prices to live in second-class suburbs.

I too often hear people referring to the Peninsula as Mt Druitt-by-the-Sea.

Maybe that saying is getting a little old now and is doing an injustice to Mt Druitt.

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