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Collapse Issue 67 - 20 May 2003Issue 67 - 20 May 2003
Collapse  NEWS NEWS

Residents remember Bays' history

A group of 36 past and present Woy Woy Bay residents spent a few hours on Saturday afternoon, May 3, reminiscing and looking at a display the local history group had provided.

Chica Gauchi, who lived on Woy Woy Bay for many years from 1935, came all the way from Currumbin, Queensland, with his wife Clare and were guests of Leone and Ken Longley of Woy Woy Bay for the weekend.

Chica had lots of stories to tell of his experiences growing up in The Bays, as did many of those present.

Publicity officer for the history group, Ms Bev Watson, said: "It soon became obvious that in years gone by the Bays area had a vibrant, socially-active community.

"In the early days of the settlements around Phegans, Horsfield and Woy Woy Bays, the ferry journeys which initially provided the only link to Woy Woy were the catalysts for lifelong friendships.

"Judy Taylor told us her grandfather holidayed in Woy Woy Bay 100 years ago and Helen Walker (nee Thompson) spent her childhood in the area from 1939.

"Prior to leaving the area in 1959, Helen had worked in Neilson's shoe factory and later in the Woy Woy telephone exchange.

"She remembered many happy dances and parties in the Bays Community Hall including her own wedding.

"Betty Bailey has a been a resident of Woy Woy Bay for over 50 years and enjoyed meeting many old friends and Jan Ritzau remembered her children walking along the waterfront to the two shops which used to be in Woy Woy Bay.

"Finally, on the hall balcony overlooking the bay, Dick Campbell, of Home Hardware, entertained us all with his ukulele and everyone enjoyed a sing song and delicious afternoon tea.

"Local historians Margaret Vidler and Brian Goodey brought us up to date on the progress of the book they are preparing on the Bays.

"Brian advised that an application has been submitted for a Gosford Council Community and Cultural Grant to print this historical record.

"Research is almost completed and Margaret has already written the first few chapters.

"With production hopefully finished by August and printing in October it is hoped that the book will be launched in November.

"With lots of photographs, copies of records and interesting personal stories this book should be a bestseller and should be ideal for Christmas gift giving.

"A wonderful cache of Woy Woy Heralds (dating from 1920s to 1960s) have been 'found' at the NSW State Library.

"These are hard copies, which makes them much easier to read than microfilm, but some are in a very fragile condition and must be used only at the State Library.

"They desperately need help with this project as it is very time consuming reading and copying items of interest.

"Because of the fragile nature of some of these newspapers we are unable to photocopy or scan them.

"Margaret said they need a group of people, some with laptop computers, to help record some of this very interesting information."

Anyone interested should contact Margaret Vidler on 4342 7363.

Anyone with information or photographs, which may be suitable for inclusion in the book, should contact Brian Goody on 4341 4295; Margaret Vidler on 4342 7363, or Bev Watson on 4342 6300.

"This is a community project and the Bays History Group would welcome your help in any way," said Ms Watson.

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