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Collapse Issue 67 - 20 May 2003Issue 67 - 20 May 2003
Collapse  NEWS NEWS

Bowls and golf provide therapy

When Jim Mercer suffered a life-threatening illness four years ago, the active career of one of the Peninsula's most celebrated senior sportsmen appeared finished.

But in what medical authorities described as an amazing recovery, following delicate surgery, the long-time Killcare resident courageously overcame the odds and triumphantly returned to the golfing and lawn bowling arenas of the Everglades Country Club.

In national golf circles, the name Mercer is synonymous with sporting royalty.

Seven brothers - Jack, Jim, David, Don, Alee, Kevin and Ivan - comprise a family dynasty which is unmatched in the game.

Over the years, all have contributed significantly either as a player or administrator.

In particular, David and Alee are widely regarded as two of Australia's leading coaches.

A prominent member of the Alee Mercer stable is Steve Elkington, an international campaigner who was guided to success in one of the world's major tournaments, the United States PGA Championship.

A former scratch-marker at golf, Jim straddled the peaks of the game at Wyong when he won the club's individual title on nine occasions and shared in the foursomes event seven times.

He also twice enjoyed success in the Brisbane Water District championship.

When Jim was invited to "have a roll" at the Avoca Beach Bowling Club in early 1985, he could have been excused for thinking that a light lunch was being served in the clubhouse.

After all, as a dedicated golfer, his knowledge of the fundamentals of the noble activity of lawn bowls was rudimentaiy and his visit to the club was mainly prompted out of curiosity.

The "roll " he was coerced into taking that fateful day was a modest introduction to an involvement with a form of activity which would provide him with a good deal of satisfaction in the years to come.

His development in the game was rapid.

He demonstrated his unique versatility by skipping an unbeaten Avoca Beach fours team to a pennants victory during the very year he became acquainted with lawn bowls.

In combining bowls with golf, Jim discovered that the Everglades Country Club, with its blend of immaculate bowling greens and well-groomed golfing playground, offered the ideal opportunities for engaging in this alliance.

He joined Everglades 12 years ago and has keenly participated in the activities of a club which enjoys an enviable reputation for its friendliness and broad range of amenities.

These days, as he and his wife Pat relax on the front verandah of the Killcare beachside home, they have lived in for 47 years and admire the spectacular setting unfolding before them.

Life, according to Jim Mercer, has never been more fulfilling.

He has survived a serious setback to his health and has bounced back, better than ever.

A recipe of bowls on Wednesdays, golf on Fridays and the companionship of his fellow players, has surely provided the ideal therapy.

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