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Collapse Issue 81 - 02 Dec 2003Issue 81 - 02 Dec 2003
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Council approves changes

A development application to repair and extend a barbecue shelter at Ocean Beach Holiday Park has been approved by Gosford Council after the changes had been made.

The structure is on Crown land and required consent from the Minister for Department and Infrastructure planning and natural resources.

This was given on March 4 for lodgement of the application.

Council received six public submissions regarding the development and one petition.

Major issues regarding the development included concerns that the structure encroached on the designated open space under the terms of the lease granted to Ocean Beach Caravan Park.

The original shelter was made of a colourbond roof supported by two timber uprights.

This was replaced by a structure with four timber uprights with a colourbond roof.

Council found that the structure had "minimal impact" and was similar to other picnic type structures erected in Gosford.

As well, objectors indicated that the structure restricted views of Ocean Beach from residences located in Mount Ettalong Rd.

Council found that the impact on view was considered negligible as the shed is open on all sides and 96cm lower than the original structure.

At the meeting Cr Lynne Bockholt recommended the application be refused.

"It's been constructed in absence of a DA," she said.

"It has been erected without public consultation and so should be declined," she said.

Cr Chris Holstein recommended approval and was seconded by Cr Judith Penton.

"The issue residents have here about the picnic shed, small as it is, is fear of changes on the site such as tourist amenities," Cr Holstein said.

"They were using it to express their concerns about future developments."

Cr Holstein said that the applicant and residents were going to sit down and discuss their concerns and that there was no reason not to approve the application.

Cr Bockholt said the whole issue could have been avoided had the applicant lodged a DA to begin with.

"I'm declining to reward someone who puts something up without a DA," she said.

Cr Penton said that she was more concerned with the tones buildings had been painted in the caravan park.

"There has been a lot of angst towards the caravan park owner.

"I'd like to give him a chance to rectify the problem," she said.

The application was approved.

Cr Bockholt was recorded in dissent.

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