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Collapse Issue 81 - 02 Dec 2003Issue 81 - 02 Dec 2003
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Break and enters reported

Empire Bay Public School has reported a number of break and enters recently.

There was a break-in to a classroom and thieves attempted to steal one of the computers on Sunday, November 23.

A lock-down device stopped the thief.

There was another break-in to one of the rooms on Monday evening and a computer, which was still bolted down to a desk, was stolen.

The following morning, the screen, desk and mouse were retrieved from bushland across the road.

The thieves had managed to detach the hard drive and steal it.

Principal Mr Gordon Fraser said that the thieves must have walked out of the school and across the road with the computer still bolted to the desk.

"If anyone saw anything or knows anything about this please contact Woy Woy police on 4341 9122," he said.

"It is requested that the community be very vigilant and if you see any suspicious activity please phone either the Education Department Security on 1300 880 021 or Woy Woy police."

Mr Fraser has also asked parents to be careful when picking up their children, as many enter driveways and then back out into the flow of traffic.

"Often small children and parents will be walking behind the car and this is becoming quite dangerous - many child deaths are caused this way," he said.

"For the safety of our children please do not continue with this practice."

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