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Collapse Issue 81 - 02 Dec 2003Issue 81 - 02 Dec 2003
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Exhibition about wetlands

A recent exhibition entitled Wetlands of Brisbane Water Estuary has been acknowledged by the Killcare Wagstaffe Trust.

"Three years in the making, the recent exhibition entitled 'Wetlands of Brisbane Water Estuary' is probably the most successful environmental and educational display held so far at the Maitland Bay Information Centre of the National Parks and Wildlife Service," said Ms Bev Runcie from the trust.

The exhibition was created and researched by Judy Adderley.

Her son Peter contributed to the professional exposition with an array of photographic images, taken in and above the wetlands of the area.

"Success was also guaranteed by the large and willing team of Trust members and their friends," Ms Runcie said.

Their contributions ranged from professional sign writing and carpentry to serving afternoon tea for the mayor and others after the opening.

Members also contributed original water colour paintings, pastels and computer generated cartoons.

The exhibition was opened officially on September 27 by mayor Cr Robert Bell.

"The Maitland Bay Information Centre was packed to the rafters, as we listened to speeches and enjoyed the drama performance of wetland creatures, including bats, insects and fish, produced by Christine Cave and children of Pretty Beach Public School," Ms Runcie said.

The exhibition will remain in place until the end of the year for viewing at regular weekend hours.

After that, it will remain in the archives for future educational use.

"The Trust hopes that the exhibition will have served to excite and inform a wide range of people about the urgent need for all of us to work towards preserving the remaining wetlands in Brisbane Water and beyond.

"They are constantly under threat.

"In addition, we hope that in the future another group of members will be inspired to continue the Trust's now established tradition of producing exhibitions aimed at enlarging people's understanding of and enthusiasm for the natural environment of the Killcare Wagstaffe area."

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