Decision expected on service station appeal
Gosford Council will determine tonight (Tuesday) how to proceed with an appeal against a refusal of an application for a service station at Empire Bay.
The company that applied for the Development Application (DA), Optima Developments Pty Ltd, has lodged an appeal in the Land and Environment Court against the council decision to refuse its application.
Council last week resolved to defend the refusal.
Council staff have prepared a report on the development addressing various issues including connection of the site to the sewerage system.
The council is still attempting to settle the matter out of court as there is still approximately two months before the matter will come before the court.
Mayor Cr Robert Bell asked for reports about how the site would cope with having a service station built on it.
"After the torrential rain we've had out there, the water table is up to the surface and the ground is super-saturated," Cr Bell said.
Jonathan Reichard, council agenda FS.073, May 27