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Collapse Issue 68 - 03 Jun 2003Issue 68 - 03 Jun 2003
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Ettalong foreshore plan approved

Gosford council has adopted a modified foreshore reserve plan of management for Ettalong Beach.

The modifications include removing plans to purchase property adjoining the Lemon Grove netball courts.

The Esplanade Foreshore carpark will now remain as is until plans for alternate carparking are approved by Council.

The coral trees on the foreshore will also remain until advanced shade trees are planted.

The council decided that palms will not to be used in the redevelopment.

Memorial Ave and The Esplanade will remain open until a full traffic investigation is undertaken.

The council will conduct an information day on planning and traffic issues at Ettalong.

It has sought further information about providing additional car parking and extending the stormwater drain into Brisbane Water

The council decided to provide resources to undertake the works regardless of whether or not the Fast Ferry goes ahead.

The council agenda giving background on the plan of management stated: "At its meeting of August 27, Council resolved to undertake further consultation before considering adopting the Ettalong Beach Reserve Plan of Management and Masterplan.

"A public meeting was held at the Ettalong Senior Citizens Centre on October 19, those attending the meeting were given a further few weeks to provide comment.

"Two petitions have been received supporting the content of the plan.

"Comments made during the public exhibition period have been included in the Plan of Management or will be considered in the developing of detailed landscaping plans.

"Adoption of the Plan of Management by Council will allow it to be considered for adoption by the Minister for Land and Water Conservation (Crown Lands Act Sections 112-4).

"After adoption, operations or improvements can be carried out on the reserve in line with the recommendations of the Plan of Management.

"Officers of the Department of Land and Water Conservation have had a significant role in the drafting of the final document.

"Most of the comments received are directed towards the construction of a path in the Lance Webb Reserve.

"Council's Transport Operations staff recommend the construction of a concrete path/bike path through the reserve to complete connection with the two ferry jetties.

"The images on page 20 of the plan show the development of an informal path through the reserve reinforcing the need for such a pathway.

"The pathway is across a grassed area and there is no impact on native species.

"Elton Consulting's report identifies the need to address planning and transport issues around the Ettalong area.

"These issues were not addressed in the Ettalong Reserve Plan of Management as they were outside the recreational and crown land area."

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