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Collapse Issue 25 - 13 Mar 2001Issue 25 - 13 Mar 2001
Collapse NEWS NEWS

IOOF residents meet with board

Residents of the IOOF Homes Centre, in Springwood St, Umina Beach, have met with the Board of Directors of the IOOF Friendly Society regarding their future residency at the Centre.

The residents' Homes Committee asked whether the IOOF Friendly Society would help with the costs of relocating the residents.

The Board of Directors replied that the IOOF did not help the residents move into the Homes, so they shouldn’t have to help them move out, according to State Member for Peats Ms Marie Andrews.

"That reply that met with an expression of utter disgust and disbelief from all present," she said.

"I find the way in which the Board of Directors is treating the residents of the Homes Centre to be quite appalling.

"There seems to be no sense of compassion shown by the Directors of this Friendly Society towards the residents, all of whom are Senior Citizens.

"Furthermore, they haven’t even been told when they will be expected to move," Ms Andrews said.

She said the decision by the IOOF to sell the homes in Umina Beach had come as a complete surprise to the residents.

There were 27 people affected by the decision.

Ms Andrews said she had written to the head of the IOOF Friendly Society in Sydney expressing her dismay and disbelief at the decision.

"Surely such a far-reaching decision should not have been made without all due consideration being given to the residents, many of whom are well advanced in years.

"The threat of losing the roof over your head when you are in your 70’s or 80’s is one of the worst things that could happen to a person.

"This decision must fly in the face of what a registered friendly society is all about," Ms Andrews said.

The local member has also represented the matter to the Minister for Fair Trading, Mr John Watkins.

Federal Member for Robertson, Mr Jim Lloyd, said he was shocked and disappointed by the decision of the IOOF Friendly Society to sell their Ettalong residential village.

"This multi-billion dollar Friendly Society has an obligation to ensure these 41 residents, most of whom are aged over 70, are able to continue living in their homes"

"Most of these residents have lived here for many years, and have made sizeable donations to the Friendly Society and contributed to the maintenance of their homes," Mr Lloyd said.

"I have been informed by residents, that accounting statements show the IOOF complex at Ettalong has accumulated profits of over $600,000 so it seems to me to be impossible to justify any claims of financial hardship as a reason for selling the property.

"In response to my representations, Mr H Quelch, chief executive of the IOOF Friendly Society (NSW) Ltd has stressed that residents were not being asked to leave the property," Mr Lloyd said.

"This is at least some small concession to the residents but does not relieve their concerns for the future."

Mr Lloyd said that he would be seeking a commitment from IOOF that a condition of any sale is that the residents will not suffer any financial loss or hardship in the event that the sale does proceed.

"I believe that the IOOF has a moral obligation to ensure these residents receive the security, care and support which they deserve," Mr Lloyd said.

In his response to Mr Lloyd, Mr Quelch said: "The Society has been reviewing possible development of its Central Coast property and recently decided that the property should be sold.

"In keeping with the Society's wish to keep residents informed a meeting of residents was held to tell them of the Society's intention.

"At the meeting residents were also advised that no time frame had been set for the sale nor had the sale process been determined.

"We stressed that residents were not being asked to leave the property.

"At the meeting, we also undertook to inform residents of the processes which may be involved in the sale once these had been determined.

"As you will therefore appreciate, until the opportunities have been analysed and the timing and processed determined, it is premature to comment on what may be hypothetical alternatives.

"As you point out in your letter, IOOF is a compassionate organisation and does not contemplate precipitative action.

"Thank you for bring your concerns to me."

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