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University places for 101

The University of Newcastle has offered 101 applicants from the postcode areas 2256 and 2257 a place in a course at the university this year.

That is 1.6 per cent of total places offered and 9.5 per cent of all Central Coast offers.

By comparison, the population of the Peninsula postcode areas represents 14.5 per cent of the Central Coast population.

The university made a total of 6157 main round offers to HECS liable undergraduate students.

Offers were made to 3677 school applicants in the Hunter mail region - 59.7 per cent of the total offers.

Offers were made to 1066 school applicants in the Central Coast mail region - 17.3 per cent of the total offers.

The university offered 628 places to applicants who completed the Open Foundation Course at the university in 2002.

Open Foundation is a program for people who have been out of the education system for some time and who hope to study in an undergraduate degree program in the future.

Another 124 offers were made to applicants who completed the Newstep program at the university in 2002.

Newstep is a program for 17 to 21 year olds who were disadvantaged in their upper schooling.

Three offers were made to applicants who completed the pre-degree Yapug preparation program for indigenous students at the university in 2002.

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