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Computer use below State average

Only 34 per cent of people on the Peninsula use computers at home, compared to a State average of 41 per cent, according to recently-released Census figures.

And it is not just the older people in our community holding the figure down.

Peninsula residents aged 55 and over, as well as children under 10, were found to use computers at the State average rate.

The computer use rates for age groups between 10 and 55 varied below to the State average by between 2.9 and 11.2 percentage points.

The largest departure from the average was in the 20-24 year age group, with a usage rate of 39.5 per cent, compared to a State figure of 50.7.

The rate in the 10-14 year age range was the highest at 63.2, but still below the State average of 67.3.

In the 15-19 year age range, the rate was 59.3 compared to 66.3.

The highest rate of home computer usage in those over 20 was in the 35-44 year age group with a 46.8 per cent usage, compared to a State average of 50.4.

Lowest use was in the over-75 year age group with a 4.7 per cent rate, close to the average of 4.9 per cent.

Internet usage by Peninsula residents was also well below average with 27.6 per cent using the internet at home, at work or elsewhere, compared to 36.1 per cent across the State.

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