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Council acts on beachside showers

Gosford Council has installed flow restrictors at every outdoor shower on the Peninsula and mayor Cr Robert Bell is encouraging people to take shorter showers.

The measures are expected to reduce water usage by up to 60 per cent.

Cr Bell said: "I encourage everyone using theses facilities to help contribute to increasing the effectiveness of these units by taking shorter showers and to remember to completely turn off the shower after use.

"In the holiday season, beachside showers are used over 1000 times more than they are in a home.

"Beachside water facilities are regularly checked by council officers but leaks can appear at any time with this amount of use.

"To minimise the loss of water through leaking taps the community can help by reporting leaking showers and taps to council," he said.

"Water saving devices are also being fitted to hose cocks at boat ramps and fish cleaning locations.

"The Council has an ongoing program of introducing water conservation initiatives.

"This is just one of many water conservation initiatives we will be progressively introducing over the next few months.

"Some of these initiatives are the result of water saving ideas that have been put forward by members of the community.

"I thank everyone who has contacted us at Council with ideas on how we can best conserve this valuable resource."

The water saving devices are not visible and do not visibly interfere with water pressure.

"Water Saving Device Fitted Signs" have been erected to inform residents and visitors to the Central Coast that the showers and hose cocks have been fitted with a water saving device.

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