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Council makes laneway 'public' to close it

Gosford Council will seek to make a Umina laneway "public" so that it can close public access to it.

The council has adopted a plan to erect a gateway across the un-named laneway at Umina between 43 and 45 Wellington St "to stop the anti-social behaviour that occurs in the laneway and to provide security".

The council will "take the appropriate action to have the un-named laneway and Wellington St dedicated as public roads" as well as applying to the RTA seeking consent to the erection of a gateway at the entranceway to the un-named laneway

A "facilitation meeting" of property owners was held on December 19 where they agreed to a gate being erected at the entrance to the un-named laneway.

The cost will be borne by the owners of 43 Wellington Street and 416 Ocean Beach Rd, Umina, who use the laneway for vehicular access to their properties.

The council's decision was based on Section 116 of the Roads Act 1993, which allows for the erection of a barrier, such as a gate, to restrict public access to a public road.

Before applying to the RTA for the erection of the gate, public notice for at least 28 days must be given.

The Traffic Committee considered this matter in June and raised no objection to the closure of the laneway.

Council was previously advised that the laneway and Wellington St were created in a subdivision in 1915 under the Local Government Act 1906 and no provision was made for the transfer of the title to a road or lane to the council.

Council will now go through the procedures set out in the Roads Act 1993 to have the laneway and Wellington St dedicated as public roads.

There would be no impact on Council's financial position.

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