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Rotary to hold Indonesian night

Indonesian food, culture and history, as well as travel and business opportunities, will be the themes of an Indonesian night to be held by Woy Woy Rotary Club at the Everglades Country Club on February 25.

"The night is aimed at forging closer ties with our northern neighbour in the wake of the Bali bombings and will be attended by the Consul-General of the Republic of Indonesia," said club president Mr Walter Pearson.

"It will be a typical Rotary night of fun but with authentic Indonesian food and a special presentation of Indonesian music and dancing as well as the usual raffles and door prizes," he said.

The night will raise money for a project on the island of Sumba, north-west of Timor.

Like Bali, Sumba is a destination for many Australian surfers.

Woy Woy Rotary is helping a small Christian community on Sumba get better food and improve educational opportunities.

"The kids in this community get the protein equivalent of about two fish a week," Mr Pearson said.

"One part of the project aims to help them get and maintain a cattle herd to give them more protein and a chance to improve their animal husbandry skills.

"Indonesia is our largest close neighbour and always will be.

"There is a real need for our two countries to maintain meaningful people-to-people contact at this time of international uncertainty.

"Rotary International is a people-to-people organisation that crosses political boundaries and is ideally suited to foster those connections," Mr Pearson said.

"The night will be non-political and a great chance for people on the Coast to have an eye-opening evening while doing a power of good for some very poor kids," Mr Pearson said.

"We have a number of people in the club who have strong links with Indonesia so we can guarantee an authentic night," Mr Pearson said.

The evening will cost $40 and tickets are available from Chris Nelson on 4344 3599

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