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Raising money for a sporting trip

Father and son team John and Waka Nolan spent last Thursday outside Video Ezy in Blackwall St, Woy Woy, selling ballpoint pens to raise money for a sporting trip.

Money raised will help send Waka, a national karate champion, to compete in New Zealand and around Australia this year.

Waka Nolan, 13, his brothers Tui, 16, and Ihaka 7, and sister Arahia, 14 are all experts at Karate.

Waka, Arahia and Tui all hold national titles, Arahia was named sport star of the year for 2001-2

Arahia does less fundraising than her male counterparts, being sponsored by a Toukley business.

Both her and her brothers specialize in kumatai, the sparring aspect of karate, rather than karta, which involves drills.

"I just took them one day to karate because we were working on a Saturday and couldn't do weekend sports," Mr Nolan said.

"They love it. They work hard.

"It's a lovely drug-free sport. It teaches children not to be bullies.

"It teaches them respect and confidence in themselves."

Waka said that his favorite aspect of the sport was its competitiveness and tournaments.

He is also a keen cricketer, being made captain of his school team.

Anyone who wishes to donate can contact John Nolan on 9703 7547.

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