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No action on traffic calmers

No action will be taken to construct traffic calming devices in Osborne Ave, Umina, following speed surveys by Gosford Council.

The council adopted a traffic committee recommendation in November that further consideration of traffic calming in Osborne Ave be deferred pending a site inspection.

Electronic speed surveys were carried out in Osborne Ave indicating 85th percentile speeds of 59km/h westbound and 52km/h eastbound.

The traffic committee in December recommended that traffic calming devices not be installed.

It recommended the results of the speed surveys in Osborne Ave be referred to the police for enforcement of the 50km/h speed limit and that the residents of Osborne Ave be informed of Council's decision.

A meeting of the council senior management with the mayor adopted the traffic committee recommendation on behalf of the council.

Council senior management and the mayor were delegated to make decisions for the council over the holiday break.

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