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Collapse Issue 28 - 12 Jun 2001Issue 28 - 12 Jun 2001
Collapse NEWS NEWS

Library extension plans are shown

Draft plans have been released for the proposed extensions and renovations to Woy Woy library.

The extensions will join the rear of the existing library and council office buildings, leaving their external walls intact.

The plans were shown at a public meeting held on May 24 to discuss the extensions.

Heritage architects Mr Andrew Hjorth and Mr George O’Donovan attended the meeting.

Library services manager Mr Alan Flores told the meeting that the project had taken 18 months so far as was expected to take another 14 months to complete.

The present library would continue to be used until construction commences.

During the 10 weeks of construction, the library would be closed and a mobile library would operate from the site.

The meeting was told all three buildings on the site were heritage listed and the architects were required to develop a brief to show how the three buildings could be combined without affecting their street appearance.

Two earlier options and the preferred option were shown to the meeting.

The proposed new combined structure included an information and technology area with up to eight computers, a study room, a children's area, shelves no higher than 1500mm and informal reading areas, inside and outside.

Mr Hjorth reiterated the architectural and historical importance of the buildings.

He said the buildings were originally the Woy Woy Council office and depot, with a fire station built at a later date in the same architectural style.

The conservation plan calls for the three buildings to be "seen individually" and for the original walls and ceilings to be retained.

The new building would be constructed on the rear car park, joining the three existing buildings.

Flood plain requirements meant the new building's floor level would be 700mm above that of the existing library and 1200mm above the existing council office.

The development application was expected to go before Council in early June after which the construction contract will be put out to public tender.

Council has allocated a budget of $1m in its financial strategy while the library services budget would cover internal works.

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