Application made to extend 'boat berthing pen'
An application has been made "to extend an existing boat berthing pen adjoining 2/54 Booker Bay Rd, Booker Bay".
The application, prepared by Clarke Dowdle and Associates, states: "The proposed development involves the creation of a boat berthing pen adjacent to the northern side of an existing timber and mesh jetty.
The proposal claims to be consistent with the aims of the State Environmental Planning Policy Resilience and Hazards.
Its siting would not be impacted by natural coastal processes or hazards "as verified with the issue of the clearance letter provided by NSW Fisheries", according to the application".
The application states that the size and scale of the "water recreation structure" would be consistent with the design and scale of the marine structures along the Booker Bay foreshore.
"The proposal is consistent with the design and extent of development that has been undertaken within the immediate vicinity and throughout the foreshore.
"The development is considered minor in scale and would not require filling or excavation to the natural surface levels.
"The proposal would not increase the potential for flooding to the site or neighbouring properties."
In conclusion, the application states: "The proposed waterfront development adjoining 2/54 Booker Bay Rd, Booker Bay, is consistent with the objectives, planning strategies and controls applicable to the site."
The proposal is currently on exhibition on the Central Coast Council.
A closing date for submissions has not been posted.
DA Tracker, 31 Mar 2024
DA/235/2024, Central Coast Council