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Collapse Issue 594:<br />13 May 2024<br />_____________Issue 594:
13 May 2024
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
High density planning controls start today
Washed out!
Three groups join for Ettalong foreshore tree proposal
Soccer president wins community service award
Two derelict boats removed from Patonga
Club suffers suspected data breach
Marine Rescue unit is second busiest
Fire brigade asked to help ambulance service*
Groups campaigns for permanent removal of shark nets
Anderson Park playground to be moved to Spencer
Regulator unsure of spearpoint compliance
Chamber calls for crossing collaboration
Rotary members attend assembly at Penrith*
Meet new friends at Rotary morning coffee*
Joint presidency and directorships for Rotary board*
Brigade asks people to consider donating to flood relief*
CWA branch presents $1900 to court service
Memories of the airstrip
Opportunity to find out more about CWA branch*
CWA opens Wednesday morning 'shop'
Brigade holds First Aid and resuscitation refresher*
Surf club attends two Anzac ceremonies
Gentle Storytime offered at Woy Woy library*
Historian retraces route of first car to reach Woy Woy
Father Timothy formally installed
Justice of the Peace service at information centre*
Fire at laundromat*
Mary Mac's hamper room topped up
Biggest Morning Tea event includes entertainment
Community garden promotes 'seed library'
Seniors' centre on the lookout for skilled individuals*
Dr Swain leads his final Anzac service
Produce swap to be held at community garden*
Fire brigade holds session for trainees*
Wheelchair basketball among the holiday activities*
Youth Yarn Up to be held at Mingaletta*
The highest May rainfall in 20 years already
Collapse  ARTS ARTS



High density planning controls start today

New planning controls for "transport-oriented development" apply from today in Woy Woy.

A map has been issued showing the properties to which it applies.

It appears to exclude Woy Woy's two hotels, the library and the Masonic hall and Mrs Wilson's Shop.

Detailed provisions have been added as a new chapter to the State Environmental Planning Policy for housing to allow residential flats in residential zones and local centre zones, along with shop top housing in local centre zones..

They differ from the provisions previously proposed.

Where the proposed building height was previously 21 metres, a maximum height of 22 metres has been introduced for flats and 24 metres for "shop top" housing.

This is a height increase of more than four metres for Woy Woy's commercial area.

The floor space ratio is 2.5:1, reduced from the proposed 3.0:1.

A minimum lot width of 21 metres has been introduced.

This currently includes three shopping centres (Deepwater Plaza, Peninsula Plaza and The Pavilion) and car parks, two fast food outlets (McDonalds and KFC) and two public buildings (the police station and the courthouse).

Apart from these, only 22 properties would fall within the provisions, the largest being the former Woy Woy Leagues Club, the Clocktower building, the old Roma Guesthouse at 53 Brickwharf Rd and an existing residential development at 13 Paton St.

The new provisions are in addition to current Council provisions which allow up to 19.5 metre buildings in the commercial area with a floor space ratio of 2.3:1 on site with a minimum area of 1000 square metres and a 20 metre street frontage.

These provisions only appear to apply to two sites not covered by the Transport-Oriented Development provisions, being on each side of the McDonalds store in Charlton St.

The Transport-Oriented Development provisions state their objectives are to provide "well designed" housing of "appropriate bulk and scale" that has "amenity and liveability" and increases affordable housing stock.

The Department of Planning website says the 2.5:1 floor space ratio "allows for buildings of up to six storeys while providing for good design outcomes in relation to landscaping, building setbacks, privacy and open space".

It says the Apartment Design Guide will continue to be the principal guiding document for apartment development.

The new rules require a mandatory two per cent affordable housing contribution, "delivered onsite and in perpetuity for developments with a minimum gross floor area of 2000 square metres", according to the website.

"Affordable housing must be managed by a registered community housing provider.

"The percentage of the affordable housing contribution will be increased over time."

Caption: Excluding shopping centres, car parks, fast food outlets and public buildings, only 22 properties seem to be alble to take advantage of new Transport-Oriented Development planning provisions without consolidation of allotments.

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