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Collapse Issue 82 - 16 Dec 2003Issue 82 - 16 Dec 2003
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Christmas '41

Tip Kelaher was born in Sydney in December 1914, educated at Clovelly, Moree and Sydney High.

Tip enlisted in the AIF in 1940 and was sent to the Middle East.

He was killed in action in 1941.

Tip wrote poems in the style of Henry Lawson. This is one is called Christmas '41.

Well, it don't seem much like Christmas

Nations at each other throats,

A-fighting one another

Like a lot of billy goats.

While we polish up the Vickers

Or are doing bayonet drill,

It hardly seems the season

To be talking of goodwill.

But there's one who came from Nazareth

I guess he ought know-

He knocked about and summed things up

Two thousand years ago.

And though new gods have come and gone

And years have passed away,

The things he taught his followers

Are just as clear today.

He taught them love and friendship,

To be tolerant and straight,

That each might do the decent thing

And try and help his mate,

Told of the good Samaritan,

Who helped the traveller bloke,

Gave him a swig of Fosters

And offered him a smoke.

Taught each not to fight his neighbour,

Kill his calves or steal his wheat,

Or broadcast lies about him

On the comer of the street,

Till people learned his creed was right,

And gave the sword a rest,

They sat beside their fires and smoked

And found that peace was best.

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