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Collapse Issue 82 - 16 Dec 2003Issue 82 - 16 Dec 2003
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Pines miss out in heritage LEP

Norfolk Island Pines at Wagstaffe will not be included in the draft local environment plan as an item of environmental heritage, following a meeting of council on December 2.

Council will instead consider the trees for inclusion in Council's Significant Tree Register.

Council will however include the boatshed on Lot 222 Wagstaffe Ave, Wagstaffe, in the draft Heritage Local Environmental Plan.

The boatshed is proposed to be included as an item of environmental heritage, due to its historical association with the Ferrymaster's site, even though it has been recently renovated.

Council received one letter of objection and four letter of support when the draft LEP went on exhibition.

Council resolved in June 2001 to prepare a draft local environmental plan to include the Ferry Master's Cottage, boatshed, jetty and Norfolk Island Pines at Lot 222 Wagstaffe Ave, Wagstaffe.

At the end of the public exhibition period, the landowner undertook unauthorised demolition of the cottage and Council instigated legal action against the owner for the illegal demolition.

The Land and Environment Court found in the favour of the landowner.

As a result of the demolition of the house and the dilapidated condition of the jetty, Council in April last year resolved to proceed with an amended version of the draft local environmental plan. At this meeting Council decided to include only the boatshed and Norfolk Island pines as items of environmental heritage.

The Council agenda noted that "the boatshed and mature Norfolk Island Pines are valued by the local community as a record of the settlement of Wagstaffe, its association with the Murphy family who operated an early ferry service in the area and for its aesthetic value".

"The draft LEP is to include the boatshed only, even though it has been recently renovated.

"Heritage listing does not mean that the building is in its original form and can never be changed.

"It is not simply about the physical fabric but also the social and cultural significance of the building or place."

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