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Collapse Issue 82 - 16 Dec 2003Issue 82 - 16 Dec 2003
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Multi-cultural group forms in Woy Woy

The first meeting of a multi-cultural group was held in Woy Woy last week with a multi-cultural lunch.

The group was formed as part of an outreach program of the Wyoming-based Central Coast Multicultural Project in collaboration with the Peninsula Community Centre.

It is for people from non-English speaking backgrounds.

The program will offer support and one-on-one casework covering advice on housing, employment and any problems encountered with a language barrier.

Project officer Ms Edna Wacher, once a new Australian herself, said: "If there are two or three coming at the start, there is enough of your target group in the area".

With up to 10 different nationalities represented at the meeting, she said there was a very positive response which would grow with advertising and by word of mouth.

Nations represented at the meeting included the Philippines, Malaysia, China, France, Spain, Scotland, Colombia, Malta and Mexico.

Yvonne, with her daughter Cindy, found out about the group through her son's school and hoped it would ease her feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Marilyn was a bit shy but Tatou and Bill were quite happy to discuss cultural diversities.

Amperno, Sophia and Ron were also there chatting away.

For further information, call the Wyoming Community Centre on 4323 7483.

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