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Collapse Issue 73 - 12 Aug 2003Issue 73 - 12 Aug 2003
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
Collapse  ARTS ARTS

New studio-gallery opens

Judith Hoste's new studio-gallery in Umina Beach will be officially opened on Saturday, August 16, in an event from 1pm to 3pm.

Judith has been the proprietor of Amber Arts, a studio offering painting and drawing classes, since 1986.

The new establishment, Amber Arts Studio-Gallery, located at 15 Glenhaven Close, Umina Beach, will house a gallery as well as offer classes.

Judith is known for her work in pastels and oils and teaches in oils, pastels, acrylics, watercolours, and drawing.

The studio-gallery presently houses new oil and pastel works.

Judith said that she enjoyed depicting local scenes such as local gardens and pathways and Australian flora such as Australian wildflowers.

"Most people who begin taking classes think that won't be able to paint but 95% of them learn to paint very well.

"I offer step by step instruction on landscapes as a first stage.

"Students are then free to select their own subject matter.

"There is equal individual attention and instruction for all.

"I take a lot of satisfaction in students' development and achievement and many of them surprise themselves with their achievements," she said.

Judith said that she entered exhibitions throughout the year in the local area, Sydney, and country NSW and Victoria.

"I have done nicely in country Victoria and have had good sales," she said.

Judith and her students exhibited annually at the Umina CWA hall and will be exhibiting there on October 18 of this year.

She is competing in the traditional sections of the local scene and open prizes of the Gosford Art Prize which opens at the Gosford Regional Art Gallery on August 15.

Judith was awarded a local scene prize of the Gosford Art Prize in 2001.

Judith also undertakes two painting workshops annually for the Central Coast Arts Society at the Arts Centre of the Gosford Regional Art Gallery.

Amber Arts Studio-Gallery opening times are Monday-Thursday, 10am-3pm, and by appointment.

Class vacancies exist presently, particularly for Tuesday and Wednesday, 1pm-3pm, and Tuesday, 7pm-9pm.

Inquiries in relation to classes and painting purchases and commissions can be made on 4341 7302.

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